Friday, October 12, 2012

TJ’s pumpkin chocolate mousse cake

This cake went straight in the garbage.

The shiny, mirror top looks really nice when the cake is defrosted.

I love the fine crumb of the cake, and the silky-smooth mousse filling. The cake layer tastes a little like chocolate, but mostly like weird cinnamon and mild spices. The mousse tastes bland and sweet, but not enough to offset the spices. There was really no pumpkin flavor to compliment the chocolate spice. It was so bleh and unappetizing that I lost interest after a few bites. The Mister felt the same way, and since neither of us had any interest in eating it again, it went in the trash. Sad trash cake.

The still-frozen cake

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Chocolate Mousse Cake – 1/5

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