Friday, December 4, 2009

Things from Sandy Claw's list

I love to shop for gifts, but I hate to be out amongst humanity...especially the kind of humanity that argues over parking spots at a busy mall. Almost all of my shopping is done online, so here are a few spooky, macabre, or odd things that would be perfect for your weird friends. If you're an Amazon prime member like me, you'll get free shipping on most of the items on this list.

Photo from an Amazon reviewer.

Got a vampire fan on your list? Check out this Dracula pop-up book. It's less than $20! Done in the style of a graphic novel, this pop-up book is based on Bram Stoker. It happens to be on my own wish-list this year. Cough.

Vampire fans will also appreciate a set of Vampire Poetry Magnets - only $12, and you don't need a membership to get free shipping.

Every pirate fan should have their own Dread Pirate game. I've never personally had the pleasure of winning, but I do enjoy the little sack of treasure, and plundering enemy ships.

If you know a fan of creepy murderesses, get them a copy of We Have Always Lived in the Castle. I just finished it, and I really recommend it. It's a very quick read, so you're not committing your friend to a 400 page brick, and I think anyone who likes dark themes would appreciate the beautiful writing.

If your friend likes robots, why not get him something practical like this mini robot vacuum cleaner, or this Roomba robot vacuum. Both are cute, both are helpful, and both have the potential to become sentient and take over the world.

Get your favorite gloomy person their own deck of unhappiness. Gloom is one of my favorite games - the art is cool, the transparent cards make the game unique, and the game changes a little with the many expansion packs.

If you're shopping for a zombie fan - rejoice! There are roughly a million things you can gift them with. Here are a few of my personal favorites.

A medkit shirt from Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. Lovelovelove this game, and this shirt is super cool.

Mall of Horror is a game that has you escaping a horde of zombies in a zombie-infested shopping mall. It's similar to actual Christmas shopping, but you'll get to screw your friends over by forcing them out from safe rooms. Game play takes a while, so it's not fast-paced like Gloom, but it's still fun.

Perhaps your friend gets the vapors at the very thought of those unmentionable creatures. If you think Jane Austin is tedious, you might enjoy this mash-up called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I wish there was a way to combine Pride and Prejudice and Zombies with Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth. Yeah...that'd be nice.

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