Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas movies that don't make me wanna puke

I kind of hate a lot of Christmas movies. Most of them make my Grinchy heart grow two sizes smaller. Singing carols, faux family harmony, and the oh-my-gosh-that-was-Santa! ending all make me want to punch someone. So here's the list of movies that I'll be watching over the next week:

1) Die Hard. I love the Die Hard movies, and Bruce Willis in general. While the movie isn't Christmas-themed, it does take place during a Christmas party and it is awesome. Stuff blows up, Bruce Willis kicks ass and saves Christmas (and lives). Also, I really like Reginald VelJohnson for some reason, so I'm always happy to watch him.

2) Batman Returns. Tim Burton, I love you. If I could live in Gotham during Christmas time, I would. Catwoman is delightfully...catty (I'm sorry), and Danny DeVito is awesome and gross as always.

3) The Nightmare Before Christmas. Tim Burton, I really love you. Nightmare has gotten overexposed in the last few years (Jack Skellington is my homie t-shirts. Really.), but it really is a Christmas movie more than a Halloween movie.

4) Gremlins. It scared the bejeebus out of me when I was a kid, but I'm a big girl now and I want my own Gremlin. But when I get bored with it, I will totally feed it after midnight. Chaos, you are invited into my life.

5) How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Dr. Seuss, Chuck Jones, and Boris Karloff - that's it. That's all you need. Okay, this movie warms my heart a little; I love the sad dog, and those brave little Whos in Whoville.

6) Bad Santa. Everyone in the movie is an asshole except for the kid who might just be really stupid. This movie makes me even more misanthropic, and that's what I look for in a good Christmas movie.

7) Scrooged. I've seen this so many times, it's lost some magic for me, but it's still a good take on a boring Christmas classic.

8) Go. This movie is so painfully 90s, but it does take place on Christmas Eve, and the plot revolves around a drug deal gone-looong. It's not the best movie ever, but it's better than a second viewing of "Painfully Cheerful Christmas Special with Character Stereotypes for Kids"

There's one more that I know I'm missing, but all this talk of Christmas is making me need to kick something, so I'm going to go take care of that.


  1. Really? A Christmas Story didn't make the list? What about Elf? And who could forget Christmas Evil from 1980? I had forgotten that Go was around Christmastime...

    Ok, bye...


  2. A Christmas Story and Elf are both good movies! I knew I was missing a few. Though, come to think of it, both have the oh-my-gosh-it's-Santa ending.

    I haven't seen Christmas Evil. Thanks for the suggestion.
