Have I ever mentioned that I have excellent taste in men? Well, I do, and so my husband didn’t even cringe when I sent him three paragraphs of excruciating detail outlining the type of cake I wanted to celebrate #33. He understands that cake is v. important to me.
Here is a brief summary of what I asked for:
Here is what I received:
It’s better than the source picture because 1) it’s way bigger and 2) I actually got to eat it.
Thank you, awesome husband.
My poor pumpkin blog has been neglected since January! Since January, I:
-started running
-stopped indulging in flour and sugar every day
-other things that I can’t remember because those are the big ones
It was a hard transition, but I don’t miss eating junk food like I used to, and I actually enjoy the pain, sweat, and occasional bloody toes that come with running.
I did a few fun 5ks like the Color Run and the Electric Run, and a local run on the 4th of July. My time was :35 slower than my goal time, which was a disappointment, but oh well. My next upcoming races are:
Disneyland 10k
Run For Your Lives (running as a chaser zombie – watch out, world)
Tinker Bell Weekend 10k
Surf City Half Marathon
Surf City will be my first half marathon, which feels like a huge step for me. I signed up for it early because I didn’t want to be able to change my mind (which is exactly what I did with the Tinker Bell Half, but mostly due to the price tag)
What else? Pop rocks, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, food festivals, and a lot of movie/tv watching. Maybe some day I’ll start cooking fun things again, but it seems like all I really do anymore is grill chicken. I <3 grilled chicken and avocado.
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